Positive Behavior Support in Schools (PBSIS)

Green-Fields PBSIS Core Team:
Mr. Karry Corbitt, Principal
Mrs. Kelly Hansbury, Counselor
Mrs. Kim Dupper, 3rd Grade
Mrs. Melissa Flores, 4th Grade
Mrs. Dawn Susco, Literacy Coach

Mrs. Michelle Wiggenhorn, Parent

In order to foster a culture that recognizes positive behavior in school, Green-Fields Elementary is proud to be one of just 33 schools chosen statewide to participate in Positive Behavioral Supports in Schools beginning during the 2011-2012 school year. PBSIS is a partnership between the State Department of Education and the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. The purpose of this program is to provide a research-based framework from which to encourage and support pro-social student behavior using current, best practices.

When we were selected to participate in PBSIS, a core team was established which is made up of a cross-section of the school community, including a parent volunteer. As part of the planning phase, we surveyed all stakeholders - including students, parents, and staff - and this data served as the critical component in terms of guiding our goals to ensure that the program would be tailored to the needs unique to Green-Fields.

On 10/1/12, we formally kicked off the Green-Fields PBSIS Program where students were taught behavioral expectations for each of our "high priority areas" (e.g., bathrooms, stairwells, bus, etc.)

Thanks to the incredible talents of Mrs. Flores, we produced some amazing instructional videos starring our Green-Fields students. We chose the five highest priority areas as provided by staff and student feedback. To check out these YouTube videos, click each area below:

Cafeteria - Hallways - Bathrooms - Bus Safety - Stairs

With direct input from the children, our PBSIS Core Team has enhanced the school-wide recognition system where students who are "caught" demonstrating positive behaviors are recognized with a newly improved "Blaze Buck." Weekly classroom and bi-monthly school-wide drawings will be held as incentives for continued compliance with our behavioral expectations. And it's not just the students who will earn privileges; staff and parents who recognize and support our students will also benefit from creative enticements (e.g., reserved parking and seating during our music concerts)!

In short, PBSIS promotes socially desired behaviors using positive, proactive and practical interventions. Our Core Team has worked tirelessly since this initiative began to create a strong foundation for the program to succeed. That said, it is our hope that we will effectively recognize students that are all-too-typically ignored - our well-behaved students - while providing effective, non-punitive supports to those that tend to struggle with making positive behavioral choices.

For more information and past articles related to PBSIS, please consult the documents below:

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