Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

A healthy, safe environment is integral to any school district. We are dedicated to providing just that for our students. Below is some general information for parents and guardians.

Updating Medical Information

Each child’s medical information is kept confidential.  The nurse should be made aware of situations concerning your child’s physical, mental, and emotional health, including daily medications that your child takes.   This information may be extremely important if your child suddenly becomes ill or injured at school.  Please call the health office if your child starts or discontinues any medication or treatments during the school year.  Together we can work to keep our students safe and healthy.

Student Absence

If your child will be absent from school, please call the absentee line at your child’s school.  We request this not only to ensure that your child is home safely with you, but also to track communicable infections in the school district.  There is an answering machine which is available 24 hours a day; therefore, you can leave your massage any time of the day or night.  If you forget to call the absence line, the office will call you to verify the student’s absence.  Please do not leave homework requests on the absence line voicemail.  Call your child’s school office or classroom teacher.

Student Illness

In regards to illness, please keep in mind the 24 hour rule.  If you child suffered from fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or any other contagious illness, it is the school district policy that he/she remain out of school for at least 24 hours after the symptoms have cleared up.  If we all work together, your child can have a very healthy classroom.  If you are not sure if your child is well enough to attend school, ask yourself if you would want a child with the same symptoms sitting next to your son or daughter.  If the answer is no, then it is best to keep your child home for the day. 

When your child becomes ill or injured at school, the health office will attempt to contact the telephone numbers listed on the emergency card completed at the beginning of the school year.  It is critical that the school have current emergency contact numbers.  If your home, work or cell phone numbers change during the school year, please call the school immediately to amend the card.  We will always attempt to contact the parents first unless we have been instructed otherwise.  Only those individuals listed on the emergency card are allowed to pick up students.  If alternate arrangements need to be made, you must inform the school who will be assuming responsibility for your child.

Excuse from Physical Education

If your child is ill or injured and unable to participate in physical education class, the health office must be notified.  If the excuse is for a temporary illness or injury, parents must write a note to the health office.  If the child needs to be excused from physical education for a prolonged period of time, a note from the physician is necessary for excuse to be granted.   When a child has been excused from physical education by a physician note, a physician note is required to resume physical education.

Physical Examinations

According to New Jersey state regulations and West Deptford School policy, all students transferring into West Deptford Schools must have a physical examination and health history within 60 days of entering school. All Pre-school and Kindergarten students must have the physical and health history completed prior to entrance into school  Physicals must have been completed within 365 days of their first day of school.  This policy helps to ensure that all students attending school are healthy. It is very important that all children receive regular examinations by their personal health care practitioner. Physical exam forms can be downloaded here

All immunizations must be up to date to ensure a safe school environment.  If your child receives a booster of any immunization, please send a copy with the physician’s signature to the health office so that this information can be included on the permanent health card. It is critical that this information remain current.  The nurse will notify you if there is any deficiency in your child’s immunizations.


Each year the health office asks you to update pertinent health information for your child.  This information should be included on the back of the emergency card.  If your child has an allergy to foods, insect stings, or medications, it is crucial that the nurse be aware.  Please note the type of allergy, severity of reaction, and medication needed.  If there is a specific treatment plan that should be followed it is essential that the nurse have this information.  If any allergic reactions develop during the school year, please call the nurse to discuss the situation.  Without complete information regarding allergies, it is impossible for the school to safeguard your child adequately.

Medication Administration at School

According to Board of Education policy, children are not permitted to transport medication. Only medications that are medically necessary are to be given at school. All medications, prescription or over the counter, must be brought to the nurse’s office in the original container along with a written note from the physician. The note must contain the name of the medication, the dosage, the time to be given. A signed parent permission form is also necessary before medication is given by the nurse.

Immunization Requirements

Immunization Requirements Established by the State of New Jersey can be found on the NJ Department of Health's immunizations page. A summary of information and a downloadable copy of the State's immunization recommendations is available here.

New Jersey Family Care

NJ Family Care provides quality, free or low cost health coverage for uninsured children and teens 18 and younger. It covers doctor’s visits, eyeglasses, hospitalizations, diagnostic testing (lab tests and x-rays), prescriptions, mental health, and often dental care. To find out if you are eligible, or to request an application, call 1-800-701-0710 or visit the

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